Sunday, January 31, 2010

Resolution #1

January will be gone in a few short sure went fast!

So, how are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions?

According to the experts the #1 Resolution made each year is to "Lose Weight" and it's the one that most people can't seem to keep. In fact by February 1st most people have thrown in the towel. Are you ever going to be fit again as long as you live? The answer is unless you make a resolution to get fit-you're never going to be fit-ever. The choice is yours.

I'd love to say that I'm off to a great start with my Resolutions for 2010...not so...but NOT giving up!

Even though I've managed to keep my weight level, I have not managed to work out consistently so the FIT part of the equation is missing...which I am choosing to deal with starting tomorrow! I realized over the weekend that it boils down to; how important of a goal is it? Am I going to keep making excuses about how busy I am or am I going to schedule time to do it and make it a priority.

I'm blessed to be part of a group who will meet monthly starting tomorrow, 2/1, called "Fit Happens." Our goal is to keep each other accountable, encouraged, and take the steps necessary to eat right, stay healthy, and fit for life. The more the merrier so feel free to contact me if you know of someone who would like to join us!

Need some motivation? Check this's a 3 minute video clip showing the results of the Burn product that we use to jump start our metabolism and start our fat burning furnace!

Cheers to an awesome 2010!

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