Wednesday, January 20, 2010

90% or 10% - Which are you?

American's don’t have vitamin deficiencies – they have a whole food deficiencies.

It’s estimated that only 10% of adults and 5% of children consume the recommended 7 -13 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. I must confess, I was one of the 90% who didn’t even come close to that amount until I learned how important it is in the big scheme of preventing disease and aging well…both issues are very important to me.:)

Why not just take a multiple vitamin?

The research is complete and compelling that isolated vitamins and multiple vitamins have NOT been shown to prevent disease and in many situations have been shown to increase disease and cause harm.

Whole foods are really the answer to disease prevention. Why is that?
Because the nutrients in fruits and vegetables work synergistically together in perfect combination. Foods in their natural source are packed with 1000’s of vitamins and nutrients, not that 10 or 20 vitamins in a mega dose – its about small amounts of 1000’s of nutrients working together synergistically.

Take an apple for example; there are some 400 ingredients that are phyto-nutrients. There is a mere 5.7 milligrams of vitamin C in an apple…guess what…that 5.7 milligrams in synergy with all the other nutrients in that apple are as effective at fighting free radical damage as 1500 milligrams of vitamin C. That’s the POWER of synergy!

The minerals in fruit and vegetables are colloidal; i.e. they are in a state of such extremely fine suspension that they can be assimilated by the human system.

Good nutrition is a matter of pay now or pay later! I'm paying now because you don't have to look very far to see that prevention in the long run is more ecconomical than a cure...and a lot less painful.

Here are some things that you can do to educate yourself: - there is a video on the home page and 2 more under the button Related Info at the top of the home page. The research on whole food in the prevention of disease is quite amazing.

http:/ - amazing information regarding the mineral deficiency of our soil and how its impacting our health...starving us in general. The sadest part is it appears to be an easy, inexpensive fix.

Rent - Food Inc. - this was a real eye opener for me and has changed my outlook on food...I now look at my purchases as casting a vote for good food or bad!

In closing the notes from the end of document 264 {We choose chemotherapy, amputations, pacemakers, surgery, and wheelchairs. One fourth of our Gross National Product(1.4 trillion dollars) is now spent on medical care, affectionately referred to (by doctors and drug reps) as "health care"}

The public can help; it can hasten change. How? By demanding quality food. You vote with your dollars every time you go to the store and purchase junk!

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