Are You Toxic? Absolutely.
Everyone has a toxic body burden and should begin to understand how to address it.
Can you avoid toxins? Absolutely not.
What are some of the most common toxins?
Mercury: the air we breathe, water, fish, dental amalgams, some vaccinations.
Limit eating large fish - 2 times/week. FYI: it only takes 4 days for toxic air pollution to reach the US from China via the jet stream!
Lead: paint, plumbing, auto exhaust. Paint containing lead was sold to 3rd world countries and is now coming back to us via imports…what goes around comes around. When water sits in pipes for long periods of time it can have lead in it - run the water a bit before drinking it.
Cadmium: 2nd hand smoke & just being exposed to burning tobacco, marijuana, contaminated water, food & dust. Nickel/Cadmium batteries and now you can add jewelry to the list!
Arsenic: well water, treated lumber (a 12ft. 2x6 contains 27 grams of Arsenic…enough to kill more than 200 adults.) Playground equipment, wood decks…etc. Reduce exposure by putting table cloths on picnic tables and wash children’s hands after being exposed.
How are we exposed?
Air borne ultra fine microbes are transported into the blood stream, water, food, personal care products, household cleaners, pumping gas, diesel exhaust fumes, 2nd hand smoke, immunizations…the list is long.
What does your body do with toxins?
If it’s water soluble it will flush it in the urine.
If it’s not water soluble or you have too much it needs to be attached to something to get into your kidneys to excrete.
If the first 2 ways don’t work you will store it in fat & tissue.
How do they affect us?
Heavy metals tend to bind to enzymes and disrupt normal cell metabolism.
Lead, Mercy, Aluminum & Arsenic end up in the brain…we now know that they are implicated in Alzheimer’s, ADD, and ADHD & Autism.
Cadmium & Nickel go to the lungs and damage lung tissue…can cause sinus disease and cancer.
Most of these toxins are colorless & odorless, which makes sensory detection impossible. Common symptoms of Toxic Overload include: fatigue, depression, nervousness, headaches, allergies, joint pain, frequent colds, chronic infections, sudden anger & memory loss.
How do we get rid of them?
Infrared saunas, diet therapy, nutritional therapy, cleansing, lymphatic drainage, Natural Cellular Defense (natural chelating agent that has shown amazing results!) I personally use NCD as my biggest weapon along with the above therapies.
Consider these statistics:
Babies today are born with a toxic load…there have been 7 studies in the USA, Canada & Netherlands that show over 200 industrial chemicals in the umbilical core blood of newborns…70 or those are known carcinogens…cancer causing.
The elderly and children are most at risk from toxic exposure because they have less activity in the kidneys.
DDT was last used 38 years ago…it was dumped into
the Pacific ocean…samples done on fish in 1982 still showed high levels…studies done in 2007 showed that they were the same…our bodies can’t get rid of persistent organic compounds on their own.
I choose Natural Cellular Defense as my toxin trapping device...I see it as having a heavy duty magnetic pac man going thru every part of my body gobbling up the garbage!
There are some great audio's regarding toxicity on my website:
or click here:
Cheers to Great Health!
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