Saturday, January 9, 2010

So Many Books So Little Time

I've spent most of the day reading and wishing that I could just run my hands over the books and absorb all of the great information and inspiration that they contain!

A friend of mine, who has been such an inspiration, recently sent a link to an ebook of Joe Vitale (The Secret) called Attract Money Now. I've only made it to page 63 so far but its full of insights into what keeps most people from attracting wealth, success, or happiness into their life. Here is a little clip from pg 43:
What you put out into the world comes back to you several times over. If what you put out into the world is positive you receive positive returns. If what you put out is negative, then you receive negative returns. Its that simple. When you were young, you were probably taught the ideas of 'give unto others' or 'its better to give than receive' along with other similar truths. These ideas are simple statements of the Law of Attraction. If you give freely, without expectation of return, you will receive back in kind many times over - not to mention the sheer joy that giving brings into your life.

As you've probably guessed...I've become a book junky! Another book that I found during a trip to favorite coffee shop...has a large 1 on the front and the question "How many people does it take to make a difference?
I'll end the week with two pages of this book to give you something to ponder!

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself or anyone else is inspiration. Inspiration to get in touch with your dreams. Inspiration to seek out your deepest passions. Inspiration to make a difference in the world, a difference that only you can make. This is not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. It's not a book about fame or acclaim; it's about making a contribution and service. Instead of asking "What can I get from life?",watch what happens when you ask "What can I give?"

What does a GREAT LIFE look like?
Ask a hundred people what a great life looks like and you'll probably get a hundred different answers-but certain answers will make virtually every one's list.

Most people would agree, for example, that a great life includes something worth living for, maybe even worth dying for. A portion of a great life would be devoted to something bigger, greater, grander, than yourself. Something that inspires you, energizes you, pulls you forward. Something that responds to your unique talent or touch and, ultimately, makes a difference in the world around you.

A great life you naturally bring more meaning, purpose, love, laughter, wonder and adventure to your days. And, at the end of your journey you would look back on a life of significance, rather than regret-knowing in your heart that you left the world a better than you found it. Knowing that you made a difference in the lives of others. Knowing that you got something wonderful out of it, and you gave something wonderful back.

A great life, of course, is not something we experience, it's something we create. That's what this book is all about.

I love it...can't wait to work thru it!

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